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The U.S. court system is the envy of the world, but poses significant challenges. The parties may face overcrowded dockets, complex rules of procedure, high legal fees and unpredictable juries. Maritime disputes are relatively uncommon, so judges and juries often don’t understand them.
To avoid the courts, many maritime businesses demand alternative dispute resolution (ADR) clauses in their contracts. These clauses require disputes to be resolved out-of-court through arbitration or mediation. Increasingly parties are using the ADR procedures of the Maritime Arbitration Association of the United States (MAA) to resolve their disputes.
The MAA is the national organization of the maritime community for alternative dispute resolution. We educate the public about alternative dispute resolution, facilitate training for neutrals in this specialized field, and administer dispute resolution proceedings on a nonprofit basis.
The MAA is the only national alternative dispute resolution organization whose arbitrators and mediators are required to know maritime law. They are experienced maritime lawyers who have been peer-reviewed to ensure they adhere to the highest professional standards of ethics, impartiality and competence.
We invite you to learn more about the MAA as you explore our website.
To avoid the courts, many maritime businesses demand alternative dispute resolution (ADR) clauses in their contracts. These clauses require disputes to be resolved out-of-court through arbitration or mediation. Increasingly parties are using the ADR procedures of the Maritime Arbitration Association of the United States (MAA) to resolve their disputes.
The MAA is the national organization of the maritime community for alternative dispute resolution. We educate the public about alternative dispute resolution, facilitate training for neutrals in this specialized field, and administer dispute resolution proceedings on a nonprofit basis.
The MAA is the only national alternative dispute resolution organization whose arbitrators and mediators are required to know maritime law. They are experienced maritime lawyers who have been peer-reviewed to ensure they adhere to the highest professional standards of ethics, impartiality and competence.
We invite you to learn more about the MAA as you explore our website.